1. You must post the rules.

2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post & then create 11 new questions to ask the people you’ve tagged.

3. Tag 11 people and link to them on your post.

4. Let them know you’ve tagged them!

ps: or just be lazy, answer my questions, and don’t do anything else 🙂


So here are the 11 questions by Soulsearching who tagged me.

 1. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

To become invisible at will.

2. What was your favourite childhood television program?

Don’t remember. Hardly ever watched TV as a child.

3. Have / had any celebrity crushes ? 

Oh yes! How many do you have space for? There was Rehman when I was school, and college it was Anil Kumble. Now it is Hugh Laurie or rather Dr Gregory House.

4. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I would go back into the past, to moments of history that changed the world.

5. Name 1 thing you miss about being a child.

I know I am being boring. So let me apologize. But I truly believe my life is lovely now, so don’t really miss anything. There is one thing that I don’t like doing now, which probably means I miss not doing it as a child.

Setting the menu and provision shopping. HATE it!

6. Name the one comic/book character that you loved the most and why?

I didn’t read much comics growing up, except Archies. But I loved, absolutely loved, books. And one of my favorite characters then was Jo of Little Women.

When older I started reading Calvin and Hobbes. And I love Calvin.

7. What is the one thing that you are dying to try but haven’t had a chance to do so yet ?

Backpack around the world, alone. That’s on my bucket list.

8. Do you have a role model – someone you want to emulate? Whom do you admire the most?

I look unto different things in different people. I admire and respect those aspects. But none as a whole.

9. What do others make of you? 

I am not sure. Growing up I was stereotyped as a Tom Boy. I never was.

Now people see me as an extremely confident and extroverted person, and both are true only to a degree.

10. Have you ever gotten into a fight or punched someone ?

Yes. A guy who grabbed my breasts. I chased him and slapped him.

11. For Girls – If you woke up tomorrow to find out you are Brad Pitt, what would be the first thing you’d say upon looking in the mirror???

I am hot. I should do a full length erotic film 😉



1. Name the friend you’ve known longest.

2. How did you meet?

3. How long have you known him/her?

4. Name an embarrassing crush, one you would hesitate to accept in public. But will now 🙂

5. A man/woman from history you would have proposed to.

6. Name an international city that you feel is over-rated.

7. An Indian dish that is over-rated.

8. What do you think of same sex marriage?

9. Reality shows are:……………..

10. Designer clothes are:……………

11. Illayaraja or A R Rahman?


And I tag bloggers:

  1. Teesu
  2. Shyam
  3. Blogeswari
  4. Inba
  5. Kamini
  6. Chandrika
  7. IHM
  8. Soulsearching (ha! but you don’t have to tag anyone or write any questions)
  9. Sangeetha
  10. Rekha

I tag fb-note writer:

11. Sunitha



13 thoughts on “A Tag

  1. I have so many tags pending, I will try to do this one, but let me answer the questions right here,
    1. Name the friend you’ve known longest.

    2. How did you meet?
    In school.

    3. How long have you known him/her?
    Since 1978.

    4. Name an embarrassing crush, one you would hesitate to accept in public. But will now 🙂
    Why embarrassing? 🙂 My kids thought I had a crush on P Chidambaram and Udayan Mukherjee – because I was glued to stock market news.

    5. A man/woman from history you would have proposed to.
    Most men in history were such MCPs – I am glad I can afford not to propose to them 🙂 Maybe a reformer and then we would have worked together and brought about sweeping social changes 🙂

    8. What do you think of same sex marriage?
    I strongly disapprove of interference in other adult’s personal lives – so support choice marriages of all kinds.

    9. Reality shows are:……………..
    Maybe they serve a purpose if done well? Haven’t watched any/many…

    10. Designer clothes are:……………
    Great for the designers’ bank balance.

  2. Phew. I was worried there would be difficult questions, V 🙂 Can I tag you back as one of my 11? Also, I may not be able to find 11 people to tag…

  3. Hi Vani, Tx for the reminder.. found this.. here are my replies… supremly lazy now so wont do a round of thinking, and tagging.. pl dont mind 🙂

    1. Name the friend you’ve known longest.
    my childhood pal Rakhi, known her for long.. my parents knew hers etc, but we moved out and came back to the same apartment after 7 years so my earliest memories of hers are from when I was abt 10-11 years old

    2. How did you meet?
    Same apartment – parents were good friends…

    3. How long have you known him/her?
    since 1994

    4. Name an embarrassing crush, one you would hesitate to accept in public. But will now

    On one of my classmates in 6th grade… his name was Shekhar.. liked him becoz he was a whizz in quiz :))
    5. A man/woman from history you would have proposed to.
    Probably Grogory Peck.. my first hollywood crush 🙂

    6. Name an international city that you feel is over-rated.
    Las Vegas

    7. An Indian dish that is over-rated.
    the butter based punjabi dishes like butter chicken, paneer butter masala etc.. too much fat and too cloying..
    8. What do you think of same sex marriage?
    9. Reality shows are:……………..TOTAL WASTE OF TIME

    10. Designer clothes are:……………TOTAL WASTE OF MONEY

    11. Illayaraja or A R Rahman?
    Illayaraja of course 🙂

I would love to hear your feedback. So write to me: umm.of.on@gmail.com